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Robert M. McLean


Dr. McLean started his practice with a philosophy of developing the care, skill, and knowledge to serve his patients in preserving their health, teeth, and smiles. He feels that this objective continues to be the foundation of his practice today. He believes that it is his duty to communicate his observations and all options, if treatment is needed, to each person so that the individual can determine what is best for themselves. His goal is to reach the end results with the most conservative means available.

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Dr. Mclean


Dr. McLean attended the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill for undergraduate studies, Emory University Dental School for his DDS degree, and Georgia State University for an EMBA degree. Reflecting this yearning for continuing education, he has earned a Fellowship for the Academy of General Dentistry and each year has spent many hours in dental education accreditations including Invisalign orthodontics, implant placement and restorations, implant-supported and retained teeth and denture, methods for conservative cosmetic treatments including Botox and Fillers, and has integrated sleep medicine into the practice. Changing digital technology has been a focus with respect to implementing new technology in a cost-effective approach for the patient.

On a personal basis, Dr. McLean is married to his incredible wife Janet. Their happiness comes from the greatest love and respect they have for each other. Janet is a fourth-generation Atlanta resident. Janet has a daughter living in Milton with two children. Mrs. McLean has worked in the medical field for 25 years. We both love our time with eight grandchildren.


Dr. McLean has three sons who have been the source of great pleasure and pride. Justin and his wife Erin live in Denver, Colorado with two children. Justin is an emergency room physician. Matt and his wife Melanie live in Atlanta and have two children. Matt is the Founder and CEO of a digital marketing agency called DIGITIC, which primarily serves attorneys. Alex and his wife Whitney also live in Atlanta and have two children. Alex has transitioned from a corporate sales manager to Real Estate for one of Atlanta’s prestigious companies.


Dr. McLean has numerous outside hobbies that make life more interesting. These include figurative and landscape painting in oil and pastels and sculpting. He believes painting and sculpting have enhanced his eye for facial and cosmetic dentistry both visually and in manipulating porcelain for crowns and veneers. He shares most of his hobbies with Janet including snow skiing, swing dancing, racquetball, golf, cooking, pickleball, and growing orchids.

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