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Why a Root Canal?

A root canal may be needed if the decay has reached the tooth’s nerve. Essentially, a root canal involves cleaning out a tooth’s infected root, then filling and sealing the canal.

A cavity that has been left untreated can become larger. Once the cavity reaches the pulp of the tooth, an infection forms at the base of the root canal, causing an abscess. This abscess is generally painful and will need to be removed.

happy woman looking out the window


  1. An opening is made through the crown of the tooth into the pulp chamber.
  2. The pulp is removed, and the root canals are cleaned, enlarged, and shaped.
  3. The infected area is medicated.
  4. The root canals are filled.
  5. The crown opening is filled with a temporary.
Types of Crowns

Post and Crown

When there is not enough tooth structure remaining after trauma, decay, or a root canal procedure, a post and crown will be utilized to restore the tooth to full form and function. A crown buildup is either composed of a bonded composite material or possibly an amalgam material. If a crown is placed on an unstable tooth foundation, there is a higher risk of having that crown fail. When the tooth has lost significant structure, a buildup is necessary in order to provide proper support for the new crown and to bring the tooth back to full function. If a crown is placed on an unstable tooth foundation, you will have a higher risk of having that crown fail. When the tooth has lost significant structure, then a buildup is necessary in order to provide proper support for the new crown and to bring the tooth back to full function.

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