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Types of Crowns

With today’s advances in dentistry, there are several options when choosing a type of crown. The most common crown utilized in dentistry is referred to as a PFM or porcelain fused to a metal crown. For those that have sensitivities to metals or are worried about aesthetics, there are all porcelain crowns or crowns that are composed of a material called composite. There have been several advances in all porcelain crowns and some labs are now utilizing zirconia which is much stronger than a typical porcelain crown. Also, they still are making all metal crowns, which are typically gold and are usually used on a molar or a back tooth. Of course, all of these different options vary in durability, appearance, and cost. Please contact our office for any further questions. We would be more than happy to find the crown that is right for you and your situation.

happy man smiling

Crown Aesthetics

If your smile is in need of a makeover, crowns can provide predictable results. Crowns can give an unattractive tooth back its beautiful shape and color. For smaller or worn-down teeth, a crown can restore the natural size of the old tooth. A crown can replace either part of or the tooth’s entire structure. For procedures requiring only the areas visible from the outside, a veneer may be an alternative option.

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