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a time to give thanks

As Thanksgiving swiftly approaches, here is a little insight as to how to not over indulge when turkey day hits! We all know the famous expression “Your eyes are bigger than your stomach!” or “You eat with your eyes first!” This is usually the case with most of us when it comes to sitting down to eat Thanksgiving dinner. Let’s just put this out there… Gorging yourself on snacks, cakes, pies, and starches just means a really big stomach-ache and a miserable rest of the night, not to mention the potential for damage that it can have on your teeth and gums!

This Year, Why Not Give Your Smile the Attention That It Deserves?

Instead of the incessant snacking on all of the empty calories, head over to the veggie tray! A variety of veggies can do wonders for you! Not only for your oral health, but also for your health in general. Reaching for a nice healthy snack is a great decision!

When you are loading up your plate with all those delicious foods, try and plan out your plate. Be mindful of the items you are scooping on as well as how much of what, you are dishing. Instead of piling on mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing and marshmallow covered yams, try this combination instead; A bigger scoop of green beans, some turkey, yams (minus the marshmallow), a smaller portion of the potatoes (minus that extra butter) and a little fruit salad on the side without the whipped topping. Your plate will be well balanced with more appropriate portions and without all of the sticky, bad-for-your-teeth toppings.

Thanksgiving desserts are a must for most! After you have yourself a small slice, if you are able to excuse yourself and go rinse your mouth and (if at all possible) brush and floss your teeth, you will be well on your way to a happier and healthier smile! If you brush those teeth and gums after eating the sweets and dinner, they are not able to sit on your teeth allowing time for bacteria build-up and all that comes along with the damaging sugar ingredients that cause harm.

With proper oral health care and limited portion control when eating, you CAN quite literally “Have your cake, and eat it too!”

Aside from eating, here’s something fun to do. Sit down with a friend or loved one and think about a couple of specific moments when someone’s smile impacted you, or when your smile meant something to someone else; even as little as holding a door open for a stranger and the exchange of smiles that was made at that point in time. This will open up a conversation about smiles and positivity! And really, what could be better than that?!

All-in-all, we hope you have a wonderful and love-filled Thanksgiving!