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Vape? E-cig? Do you know anyone who has one? It affects your oral and overall health. This trend has become popular within the last decade. E-Cigarette use from 2017 to 2018 increased 78% among high school students and 48% among middle school.

5 Effects Vaping Does to Your Teeth and Gums

Nicotine information

  • Excess Bacteria
  • Dry Mouth
  • Inflamed Gums
  • Overall Irritation
  • Cell Death

In 2018 a study found that teeth that have been exposed to e-cigarette aerosol had more bacteria. More bacteria can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and gum diseases. E-cigs base liquid, propylene glycol can cause dry mouth. Which can lead to bad breath, mouth sores, and tooth decay. In 2016, a study suggested that e-cigs can cause an inflammatory response in gum tissues. This may lead to periodontal diseases. Cell death can lead to bone loss, tooth loss, bad breath, tooth decay, and periodontal diseases.

E-cigarette cartridges are filled with nicotine and other chemicals. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved e-cigs as a way to quit smoking. Nicotine causes gum recession, it reduces the amount of blood that can flow through your veins. Because of a lack of blood flow, your gums won’t get the oxygen and nutrients needed to stay healthy.

Overall Health

Did you know an unhealthy mouth, especially if you have gum disease may increase your risk of heart problems? Without daily cleaning, bacteria are free to flow into your bloodstream and can travel to your arteries.  Arteries are blood vessels that distribute oxygen from your heart to your body. This can lead to atherosclerosis where plaque builds up on the inner layers of your arteries. This can cause clots that can block blood flow through your body. Increasing the likelihood of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

Don’t increase yours or your child’s chance of gum disease, tooth decay, or periodontal disease. STAY AWAY FROM VAPING! Read a book, go out for a walk, or try something relaxing – like yoga. Choose your health, take care of your teeth and gums as well as your heart.

Women using VR Tech

Living a healthy lifestyle can seem overwhelming but remember to make small strides daily. Here are five healthy habits for a happy life.
– Smile and Laugh
– Adequate Sleep
– Physical Activity
– Floss once a day
– Brush your teeth twice daily
– Preventive health care screening, at least once every six month

If you have any questions about vaping or breaking your teen’s habit call us today! We’re here to help you live your healthiest life!