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Wow, can you believe the back-to-school season is already upon us? It feels as if summer started yesterday! Are you ready to send your kids back to school with a shining smile? Preventive dentistry is the best way to protect them.

These next couple of weeks will be busy as you begin to check things off your back to school checklist.

check list

Have you made one for your children’s dental hygiene? Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Schedule their bi-annual dental cleaning
  • Create an oral hygiene routine
  • Replace their toothbrush
  • Shop for healthy foods and snacks
  • If your child plays sports- protect their teeth with a custom mouth-guard

Besides the importance of regular maintenance, their cleaning appointments can also lead to them missing less school in the future. We will deeply clean your child’s mouth and can prevent further dental issues. Having a set routine helps them get in a good habit and understand the importance of maintaining their oral hygiene. It’s recommended to change your toothbrush every three months or earlier if the bristles are frayed. Healthy foods and snacks can strengthen teeth which may result in fewer cavities. When playing sports, it’s important for your child to wear a mouth-guard to shield their smile from unpredictable hits. Damages can sometimes lead to chips, fractures, and extractions.

Are You up to Date With the Latest Dental Trends?

As we know trends come and go, tooth gems have once again gained popularity. It is a small rhinestone glued onto the surface of your tooth.

Risks of Tooth Gems

  • Can cause discoloration on the tooth’s surface.
  • The jewels can wear away enamel, increasing the risk of decay and infection
  • Food can hide behind them promoting the growth of harmful bacteria

Tooth gems are placed by a dentist or yourself and can last up to 6 months. It can be removed or replaced at any time. The longer it’s left on your teeth the more harm it will cause. The procedure only takes about 15 minutes and is 100% reversible.

With tooth gems coming back in style, we can’t help but think, what’s next? Do you remember dental grills? They are made from gold or silver and snap over one or more teeth. They can damage the surface of your teeth by removing enamel and exposing it to bacteria. While removable they must be taken off to eat and brush their teeth. Putting them on immediately after eating can increase plaque build-up.

Another trend to keep an eye out for is getting a tattoo on your teeth, which is also known as #tatooth. They are not permanent and can be replaced at any time. Some negatives are plaque build-up. Also, the chemical used to add tattoo’s is not completely safe. They have found that some inks have pigments used in toner and car paint. The FDA has not authorized any coloring for injection for cosmetic purposes.

Getting permanent ink in your mouth is growing, as people are interested in getting inner lip tattoos. The most requested tattoo is a symbol or a short word. They are known to be one of the most painful areas to get a tattoo. If you want one, you have to hold your lower lip open while being completely still throughout the whole process. Touch-ups are needed frequently because of the high cell turnover in your mouth. 

Dental Trend

Dangers of Inner Lip Tattoos

  • High risk of infection because your mouth is filled with bacteria
  • Every touch-up increases risk for infection
  • Foods with high acid content can cause sensitivity.
  • An allergic reaction to the ink can cause painful lumps of scar tissue under the skin, which are difficult to remove.

Before getting any procedure done it’s important to understand how it will affect your health, and if you have any questions give us a call today! Be picky when it comes to trends, you don’t have to follow all of them. We hope you have a great school year!