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Tooth care

Bruxism, the medical term for teeth grinding and jaw clenching, affects both kids and adults. While often caused by high levels of stress, bruxing can also be triggered by a misaligned bite and sleep disorders. Regardless of your underlying issue, here are a few tips and tricks to help:

  1. Take Notice – though out the day notice if you’re clenching or grinding.  You will probably not feel yourself clinching but notice if your upper and lower teeth are touching each other.  This means that you are clenching.   Take a few deep breaths and place the tip of your tongue between your teeth. This helps the muscles in your jaw relax.
  2. Stop Chewing – on non-food items that is! Pencils, ice, etc. This also includes avoiding gum because it trains your jaw to clench and encourages teeth grinding.
  3. Cut Back – Avoid foods with added sugar, especially for children. Adults may find drinking alcohol intensify their condition. Cutting out liquor and limiting caffeine is recommended.
  4. Relax! – Especially before bedtime. Take a long bath, listen to mellow music, find what works best for you and enjoy it.
  5. See Your Dentist – It’s important to be properly diagnosed. We’ll partner together to find the best treatment plan for your wellbeing! Call and schedule an exam today 770-980-0232.  There are numerous medications that cause bruxing classified as SRRI medications.  As a dentist, we cannot change treatment given you by your physician but can make you more knowledgeable about a discussion with your doctors.

Full set of teeth